
by DishNet Africa Ltd



Check usage, track billing & switch plans. With my blueCARD , you’re in control.With the my blueCARD app, you’re in complete control of your account. It has everything you need to do data your way. Here are some of the useful features that put you in charge:manage your accountUpdate your personal details and payment method, and view your current and past invoices.billing infoSee how many transaction you had done daily usageSee how much you’ve been using for every day of the past month.complete controlYou’re always in control. Upgrade, switch plans, or even cancel at any supportGet support directly through my blueCARD . Log a network, billing, or onboarding query with us and because we already have your details, we’ll be able to help you as fast as possible.Download the my blueCARD app and take control of your blueCARD account